Structural Reports
SIGA provides site inspections including a visual inspection and discussions with involved parties on site to examine existing structure(s) and document areas of concern.
The intention is to identify structural or safety concerns and potential remedial action required. The results of the visual inspection and site discussions are subsequently summarised in a structural report.
The reason for a problem is usually readily identifiable and is discussed on site, as well as the recommended remedial action. The subsequent report provides added reassurance of a record of the discussions.
Structural reports are provided for a variety of clients (and of course owners of Industrial, Commercial or Industrial premises) including:
Property owners
Insurance Companies
Strata Managers
Local Councils
Domestic and Commercial Real Estate Agents
Maintenance Contractors
Forensic Engineering Reports
Forensic Engineering reports differ slightly from structural reports in that they focus on determining the cause of the damage to a building and or building element.
Such reports are often referred to as a causation report.
There are many causes or sources of damage such as storm, impact (motor vehicle or car typically), footing/structural movement, age and or maintenance/construction related are just a few.
Structural and Forensic Engineering reports can be provided for a wide variety of damage or distress to buildings and or building elements.
Some of the main areas that can assisted with are:
· Cracks to walls and ceilings
· Cracks to floors
· Cracks to concrete paving
· Brickwork cracking
· Cracks to masonry walls (general)
· Footing movement (often referred to as foundation movement)
· Footing performance assessment to AS2870 and AS3600
· Differential settlement
· Differential movement
· Remedial works specifications
· Concrete cancer
· Concrete deterioration
The following are some main examples of projects where structural or forensic reports where required by our clients.
Wetherill Park – The leaning fence
Special Considerations / Challenges
With regards to the fence, safety was of primary importance.
Although it was unlikely to fall, the fence needed to be propped whilst a suitable solution was determined.
As is so often the problem with retaining walls, the key challenge was the drainage.
Therefore, it needed to be demolished and rebuilt or a suitable alternative which needed to be both feasible and approved by Council.
The SIGA Solution
Initial structural assessment and provision of report and details for propping.
Suggested options for design solution.
Preparing design solution for consideration by Council.
Glenorie – Footing Repair
Special Considerations / Challenges
To provide the builder with a finished product that would be at least equal to, if not better than, the original intended works.
Ensuring that all repairs to footings complied with relevant standards.
Identifying the most suitable option to adopt for the repair.
The footings to this project were initially poured with insufficient cover to the reinforcement.
The Siga Solution
Topping the existing footings was deemed the most suitable solution.
Site inspections, professional discussions, preparation of relevant structural reports.
Documentation of remedial repair details.
Inspections during topping pour.
Inspection of completed works and review of concrete core results.
Parramatta - Repairs to Concrete Degradation
Special Considerations /Challenges
Concrete cancer had affected the underside of the walkway to the weir and Siga was contracted to provide instructions on the rectification works. Pedestrian access of the walkway during the repairs needed to be considered as was flooding to the weir when it rains!
The SIGA Solution
Determining suitable solutions and material with the builder to cater for the submerged environment that the repairs would be exposed to.
Redfern - Structural Integrity
Special Considerations /Challenges
This building was a major investment for the intending purchaser who wanted reassurance that the building didn’t have any hidden significant structural concerns.
The SIGA Solution
Provided a visual examination of the building. Subsequent report prepared commenting on the areas of concern including existing cracks in brickwork along with any potential items of concern such as the ageing existing roof and floors.
Bellevue Hill - Structural Opinion
Special Considerations /Challenges
Retaining wall failure
The SIGA Solution
Provided professional discussions and advice on site and a subsequent report detailing our view that the failure occurred as a result of excavations next to the wall, combined with poor initial design for the load conditions.